Our Services at Care 4 America
When you come to Care 4 America, you will not go away wondering:
- What happened?
- What did I do?
- What is going to happen next time?
- Do I want to go next time?
All of our highly trained professional
counselors/therapists/psychiatrists treat each client as they would want
to be treated themselves.
When you call for an appointment: We try our best to match up your
specific desires, needs, type of therapy and problems up with the
therapist/counselor that we think could use the correct methods to help
you be most successful in the fastest, easiest way with the least amount
of visits. - Types of Counseling Available
Before a client leaves our office
- Answer all of your questions;
- Inform you about the types of therapy
services that would probably work best for you;
- Then, we will give you some beginning idea of what to expect and
how long the therapy sessions should continue and make your next
- After you leave, the therapist will work extra hard figuring out
WHAT WILL WORK BEST FOR YOU and come up with an initial counseling
plan that will be discussed and presented to you on your next visit.
- Your 2nd visit will include a comfortable talk
about what has gone on since your last visit and:
- Explain the information regarding YOUR SPECIFIC counseling
plan and...
- WHAT you decide to do to help you become more successful
toward your goals, needs, and desires.
- Then we will further explain and answer more of your questions and
before you leave we will set you up for your next appointment where
we will go over the specific plan set up for you.
- When you have successfully finished YOUR SPECIFIC PLAN we will
finalize all of our paperwork and will keep in touch with you in the
future however YOU decide would be best, either via email,
phone calls or none at all.
Remember... All
Information Is Confidential
Between You And Your Counselor.